Thứ năm, 13/06/2024

Câu hỏi:

27/08/2022 930

Talk about the situation of water resource and how to preserve water environment in Vietnam.

You can answer the following questions as cues:

* How is the situation of water resource?

* How to preserve it in Vietnam?

Useful languages:

Useful vocabulary

Useful structures

* lack of water, pollution, less rain, sea full of waste

* saving water, solving pollution, limiting waste, fighting climate change

* The problem is that...

*... has been polluted and degraded seriously.

* The first thing we can do right now is ...

*... requires immediate measures to preserve it.

* Authorities must have measures ...

* It is essential to ...

*... help us preserve water environment.

Complete the notes:

Structures of the talk

Your notes

How is the situation of water resource?




How to preserve it in Vietnam?




Now you try!

Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.

1. The problem is that...

2. ... has been polluted and degraded seriously.

3. The first thing we can do right now is ...

4. Authorities must have measures ...

5. ... help us preserve water environment.                   

Now you tick!

Did you ...

q answer all the questions in the task?

q give some details to each main point?

q speak slowly and fluently with only some hesitation?

q use vocabulary wide enough to talk about the topic?

q use various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) accurately?

q pronounce correctly (vowels, consonants, stress, intonation)?

 Xem lời giải

Trả lời:

verified Giải bởi Vietjack

Dịch nghĩa câu hỏi:

Nói về tình trạng nguồn nước và cách bảo vệ môi trường nước ở Việt Nam.

Bạn có thể sử dụng các câu hỏi sau đây như gợi ý:

• Tình hình tài nguyên nước như thế nào?

• Làm thế nào để bảo vệ nó ở Việt Nam?

Gợi ý trả lời:

MAIN IDEAS (Ý chính)

Situation (Tình trạng)

* lack of water (n. phr.) (thiếu nước)

* less rain (n. phr.) (ít mưa)

* pollution (n.) (ô nhiễm)

* sea full of waste (n. phr.) (rác xâm lấn biển)

Measures (Biện pháp)

* save water (v. phr.) (tiết kiệm nước)

* limit waste (v. phr.) (hạn chế rác thải)

* solve pollution (v. phr.) (chống ô nhiễm)

* fight climate change (v. phr.) (chống biến đổi khí hậu)

Bài mẫu:

Our water environment has been polluted and degraded seriously. Since water is essential for life, it’s a serious and urgent problem that requires immediate measures to preserve it. The first thing we can do right now is to save water. It is essential to save water we have when many places have no water to use. Secondly, authorities must have measures controlling waste, and make sure that wastes must be treated before discharging into the environment. Thirdly, replace plastic things and nylon bag with environmentally friendly ones. Finally, climate change makes the weather drier, many places have no rain for a long time. We can control it by limiting the amount of greenhouse gases released into the air. Doing so may help US preserve water environment for the living activities today and in the future.

Môi trường nước đã bị ô nhiễm và xuống cấp nghiêm trọng. Khi mà nước là rất cần thiết cho sự sống thì đó là một vấn đề nghiêm trọng và cấp bách đòi hỏi các biện pháp tức thời để bảo tồn môi trường nước. Điều đầu tiên chúng ta có thể làm ngay bây giờ là tiết kiệm nước. Việc tiết kiệm nước mà chúng ta đang có là rất quan trọng khi nhiều nơi không có nước để sử dụng. Thứ hai, các cơ quan chức năng phải có biện pháp kiểm soát chất thải và đảm bảo rằng chất thải phải được xử lý trước khi thải ra môi trường. Thứ ba, hãy thay thế đồ nhựa và túi nilon bằng những thứ thân thiện với môi trường. Cuối cùng, biến đổi khí hậu làm cho thời tiết khô hơn, nhiều nơi không có mưa trong một thời gian dài. Chúng ta có thể kiểm soát bằng cách hạn chế lượng khí nhà kính thải vào không khí. Làm được như vậy có thể giúp chúng ta bảo vệ môi trường nước cho các hoạt động sống hôm nay và trong tương lai

Câu trả lời này có hữu ích không?


Gói VIP thi online tại VietJack (chỉ 200k/1 năm học), luyện tập gần 1 triệu câu hỏi có đáp án chi tiết



Câu 1:

He said, “I don’t understand the teacher’s question.”


Xem đáp án » 27/08/2022 2,794

Câu 2:

They said, “We went to Japan on holiday last week.”


Xem đáp án » 27/08/2022 2,612

Câu 3:

“ I enjoyed the performance yesterday,” Trang said.


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Câu 4:

Mary said, “I will play cards tomorrow.”


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Câu 5:

Write a short paragraph (120 - 150 words) about noise pollution.

You can answer the following questions as cues:

• What are the causes of noise pollution?

• What are its consequences?






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Câu 6:

“I will take the dog out for a walk,” my mother said.


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Câu 7:

Nick told me, “I am going to see my parents next month.”


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Câu 8:

“I stopped using single-use plastic box,” Mary said.


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Câu 9:

He said, “I don’t have much time to talk to you.”


Xem đáp án » 27/08/2022 986

Câu 10:

“Adam will repair the car next weekend,” she said.


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Câu 11:

She said, “I can go home on my own.”


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Câu 12:

“Many activities will be held to encourage environmental protection,” my teacher said.


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Câu 13:

“We took part in many activities of preserving the environment yesterday,” the students said.


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Câu 14:

They said, “We haven’t been to the bank for a long time.”


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Câu 15:

Find out ONE mistake in each of the sentences and correct it.

E.g.: She said to the reporters he is a farmer in Cornwall.

1. Laura said she is watching the late night show.

2. Carlos said he has been interested in another movie.

3. Mr. Cooper said me that he took the medicine regularly.

4. Mrs. Miller said she didn't feel better now.

5. Mary said her father had taken her to school last weekend.

6. He told me that he has been working for the same company since 1970.

7. Mark told his sister that he would clean his car tomorrow.

8. Nam said that his father is very angry with him for making such a stupid mistake.

9. Jim told her that he may not be able to meet her at the cinema.

10. Mr. Black said me that he had educated himself by reading many books.

11. She told that she was doing good progress on that project.

12. They told me that they had watch a wonderful movie.

13. I told him that he will have to wait for me for two hours.

14. They told me that it was getting very boring here.

15. The mother ordered her daughter to shut up and went inside her room.

is → was

















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